Recommended Books
- Physics of Semiconductor Devices (Sze)
- MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) Physics and Technology (Nicolian)
- Solid state physics (Ashcroft & Mermin)
- Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems (Datta)
- Electronic Properties of Doped Semiconductors (Shklovskii & Efros)
- Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion (Chen)
Recommended Review Papers
Energy dissipation in electronic devices:
- Phase Change Materials and Phase Change Memory (Raoux)
- Phase-change materials for rewriteable data storage (Wuttig)
- Phase Change Memory (Wong)
- Phase-change memory—Towards a storage-class memory (Fong)
RRAM and Neuromorphic:
- Metal–oxide RRAM (Wong)
- Redox‐based resistive switching memories–nanoionic mechanisms, prospects, and challenges (Waser)
- Memristive devices for computing (Yang)
- Neuromorphic computing using non-volatile memory (Burr)
Bigger Picture Papers:
- The era of hyper-scaling in electronics (Salahuddin)
- Energy-efficient abundant-data computing: The N3XT 1,000 x (Aly)
Useful links